Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What's your IQ?

So I have some ridiculously good news. I got an email today from NYU Steinhardt. I got in. Whoo! My dream school in my dream city. Sigh. This makes me very very happy. Let's hope things will work out. Whoo! That about sums that up. Whoo! I am so articulate.

Japanese IQ testOn to the real post now: You've got to take this Japanese IQ Test: Everybody has to cross the river. Make sure you read the directions first. It is funny, fun, and challenging. I'm not going to lie, it took me several tries. I wonder how I'd fare in the Japanese job market? Is it time that matters? Or is it actually solving the puzzle that does? Hmmmmmm.


  1. Way to go Jenn! Cheer.... JC

  2. who's JC? Jesus?
    Awesome Jenn! I will come a visit frequently, so make room on your couch.

  3. It took me 10 minutes to complete the game, around 20 steps for this test. Anyway, this is a fun game, and thanks for sharing

  4. thanks guys ♥

    yeah-I probably took around the 10 minute mark too calv.
