Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fried Chicken and Fireworks

I spent my 4th of July with Emily and her family. Thanks Em! It was lovely day. We drove to the middle of no where, namely Bear Valley, for a picnic. We ate ridiculous amounts of food from fried chicken to watermelon. Yum. We took a walk into the woods, found a random bra along the side of the road, played with Wally and Oscar (her dog and her sister's dog), and sat on lawn chairs in the middle of the creek.

Then after we got back to Emily's house we played her Wii until it was time for the fireworks. Her brother-in-law set them off in their back yard, and we were not disappointed. They were poof-poofing and zing-zapping like crazy.

Some of them scared me, I'm not going to lie. Neon fire and trees seem like a disaster waiting to happen...but nothing did. We had a safe and fun 4th of July!

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