Thursday, June 14, 2012

Vanity Plates

Wow, Blogger has new Dashboard format for composing and posting blogs...When did that happen?  Could be weeks (or months for all I know).  Pretty good sign I've been neglecting you dear blog for too long.  Oops.

Anyway, just wanted to share with you a photo from the other day.  When I saw this car's license plate in front of me while sitting in traffic I didn't notice a thing, but then I read the plate again out loud (ok, out loud in my head--I don't make it a point to talk to myself alone in the car), and it gave me pause.  H8 Rt 7.  Get it?  Get it.  Hahaha.  Made me smile and reach for my camera.  Best license plate I've ever seen on the road.  And if you've ever been on Virginia's Route 7 during rush hour, you'd totally understand. Whose brilliant idea was it to put so many red lights every 200 yards?

Sometimes, we all just have let the inner H8er out.  Anyone else ever see a memorable vanity license plate out and about?  What was the best?

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